AtlantissCore: 4.0.6a old
RaGreen's assigned tickets
3 tickets open
- #340 QUEST: Mission: Gateways Murketh and Shaadraz no tags open
- #174 QUEST: Get Koalbeard! no tags new
- #267 Trisfal Glades: A Scarlet Letter no tags new
Unassigned tickets
299 tickets open
- #182 QUEST: The Final Voyage of the Brashtide no tags new
- #325 QUEST: The Fate of Kagrosh no tags new
- #329 QUEST: The Cipher of Damnation no tags new
- #88 [Quest] Fuselight, Ho! no tags new
- #194 QUEST: Speaking with Nezzliok no tags new
- #1 The Stones of Vekh'nir no tags open
- #2 Silkwing Cocoons no tags new
- #3 Gather the Orbs no tags new
- #6 Whispers of the Raven God no tags new
- #7 On Spirit's Wings no tags new
- #8 Grulloc Has Two Skulls no tags new
- #9 Maggoc's Treasure Chest no tags new
- #10 QUEST: Grim(oire) Business no tags new
- #11 NPC: Timeon no tags new
- #12 [Druid] Blessing of the Grove no tags new
- #13 WARRIOR: Blood and Thunder no tags new
- #14 [Druid] Heart of the Wild no tags new
- #15 [Druid] Master Shapeshifter no tags new
- #16 WARRIOR: Shield Specialization no tags new
- #17 [Druid] Revitalize no tags new
- #18 [Druid] Nature's Bounty no tags new
- #19 [Druid] Empowered Touch no tags new
- #21 [Druid] Malfurion's Gift no tags new
- #22 WARRIOR: Vigilance no tags new
- #23 [Druid] Efflorescence no tags new
- #24 [Druid] Wild Growth no tags new
- #25 WARRIOR: Battle Trance no tags new
- #26 [Druid] Nature's Ward no tags new
- #27 [Druid] Gift of the Earthmother no tags new
- #28 WARRIOR: Rude Interruption no tags new
- #29 [Druid] Swift Rejuvenation no tags new
- #30 [Druid] Tree of Life no tags new
- #31 WARRIOR: Bloodsurge no tags new
- #32 [Druid] Lifebloom no tags new
- #33 [Druid] Rejuvenation no tags new
- #34 [Druid] Regrowth no tags new
- #35 WARRIOR: Titan's Grip no tags new
- #36 [Druid] Omen of Clarity no tags new
- #37 [Druid] Mark of the Wild no tags new
- #38 [Druid] Tranquility no tags new
- #39 WARRIOR: Single-Minded Fury no tags new
- #40 [Druid] Natural Swiftness no tags new
- #41 [Druid] Predatory Strikes no tags new
- #42 [Druid] Feral Aggression no tags new
- #43 [Druid] King of the Jungle no tags new
- #44 [Druid] Stampede no tags new
- #45 [Druid] Feral Charge no tags new
- #46 [Druid] Thick hide no tags new
- #47 [Druid] Leader of the Pack no tags new
- #48 [Druid] Primal Madness no tags new
- #49 [Druid] Natural Reaction no tags new
- #50 [Druid] Blood in the Water no tags new
- #51 [Druid] Pulverize no tags new
- #52 [Druid] Berserk no tags new
- #53 [Druid] Rip no tags new
- #54 [Druid] Prowl no tags new
- #55 [Druid] Vengeance no tags new
- #56 [Druid] Frenzied Regeneration no tags new
- #57 [Druid] Maul no tags new
- #58 [Druid] Swipe no tags new
- #59 [Druid] Skull Bash no tags new
- #60 [Druid] Savage Defense no tags new
- #61 [Druid] Thrash no tags new
- #62 [Druid] Pounce no tags new
- #63 [Druid] Savage Roar no tags new
- #64 [Druid] Lacerate no tags new
- #65 [Druid] Bear Form no tags new
- #66 [Druid] Nature's Grace no tags new
- #67 [Druid] Euphoria no tags new
- #68 [Druid] Moonkin Form no tags new
- #69 [Druid] Shooting Stars no tags new
- #70 [Druid] Dreamstate no tags new
- #71 [Druid] Sunfire no tags new
- #72 [Druid] Starfall no tags new
- #73 [Druid] Starsurge no tags new
- #74 [Druid] Innervate no tags new
- #75 [Druid] Wild Mushroom no tags new
- #76 [Druid] Wild Mushroom: Detonate no tags new
- #77 [Glyph] Treant no tags new
- #78 [Glyph] Entangling Roots no tags new
- #79 [Glyph] Faerie Fire no tags new
- #80 [Glyph] Frenzied Regeneration no tags new
- #81 [Glyph] Healing Touch no tags new
- #82 [Glyph] Hurricane no tags new
- #83 [Glyph] Thorns no tags new
- #84 [Glyph] Regrowth no tags new
- #85 [Glyph] Starfire no tags new
- #86 [Glyph] Starsurge no tags new
- #87 [Druid] Eclipse no tags new
- #89 [Quest] Spared from Madness no tags new
- #90 [Questy]Azshara no tags new
- #91 [NpC] Azshara no tags new
- #93 [Warlock] Jinx no tags new
- #94 [Warlock] Soul Swap no tags new
- #95 [Warlock] Death's Embrace no tags new
- #96 [Warlock] Soulburn: Seed of Corruption no tags new
- #97 [Warlock] Everlasting Affliction no tags new
- #98 [Warlock] Pandemic no tags new
- #99 [Warlock] Dark Arts no tags new
- #100 [Warlock] Demonic Rebirth no tags new
- #101 [Warlock] Hand of Gul'dan no tags new
- #102 [Warlock] Aura of Foreboding no tags new
- #103 [Warlock] Inferno no tags new
- #104 [Warlock] Cremation no tags new
- #105 [Warlock] Demonic Pact no tags new
- #106 [Warlock] Metamorphosis no tags new
- #107 [Warlock] Improved Searing Pain no tags new
- #108 [Warlock] Improved Soul Fire no tags new
- #109 [Warlock] Burning Embers no tags new
- #110 [Warlock] Nether Ward no tags new
- #111 [Warlock] Empowered Imp no tags new
- #112 [Warlock] Bane of Havoc no tags new
- #113 [Warlock] Pety no tags new
- #114 [Warlock] Imp: Firebolt no tags new
- #115 [Warlock] Felhunter: Shadow Bite no tags new
- #116 [Warlock] Succubus: Whiplash no tags new
- #117 [Warlock] Succubus: Lash Pain no tags new
- #118 [Warlock] Felguard: Legion Strike no tags new
- #119 [Warlock] Imp: Flee no tags new
- #120 [Warlock] Imp: Singe Magic no tags new
- #121 [Warlock] Felguard: Felstorm no tags new
- #122 [Warlock] Felguard: Axe Toss no tags new
- #123 [Warlock] Summon Doomguard no tags new
- #124 [Warlock] Summon Infernal no tags new
- #125 [Warlock] Drain Life no tags new
- #126 [Warlock] Dark Intent no tags new
- #127 [Warlock] Create Healthstone no tags new
- #128 [Warlock] Soul Link no tags new
- #129 [Warlock] Soulburn: Searing Pain no tags new
- #130 [Warlock] Demonic Circle: Teleport no tags new
- #131 [Warlock] Soulburn: Drain Life no tags new
- #132 [Warlock] Fel Armor no tags new
- #133 [Warlock] T11 4P no tags new
- #134 [Warlock] Fel Flame no tags new
- #135 [ROGUE]Assassin's Resolve no tags new
- #136 [ROGUE] Deadly Momentum no tags new
- #137 [ROGUE] Murderous Intent no tags new
- #138 [ROGUE][talent] Overkill no tags new
- #139 [rogue][talent]Improved Expose Armor no tags new
- #140 [rogue][talent]Cut to the Chase no tags new
- #141 [rogue][talent]Venomous Wounds no tags new
- #142 [rogue]Revealing Strike no tags new
- #143 [rogue][talent]Bandit's Guile no tags new
- #144 [rogue][talent]Restless Blades no tags new
- #145 [rogue][talent]Honor Among Thieves - no tags new
- #146 [rogue][talent]Cheat Death - no tags new
- #147 [rogue][talent]Sanguinary Vein - no tags new
- #148 [rogue][talent]Serrated Blades - no tags new
- #149 [rogue]Leather Specialization - no tags new
- #151 [rogue][skill] Smoke Bomb no tags new
- #152 [rogue][skill] Redirect no tags new
- #153 [rogue][skill]Vanish no tags new
- #154 [rogue][skill]Tricks of the Trade no tags new
- #155 [rogue][glyph]Glyph of Hemorrhage no tags new
- #156 [rogue][glyph]blind no tags new
- #157 [rogue][glyph]Kick no tags new
- #158 [rogue][glyph]Blurred speed no tags new
- #160 QUEST: The Day that Deathwing Came no tags new
- #161 QUEST: The Day that Deathwing Came: The Real Story no tags new
- #162 QUEST: The Day that Deathwing Came: What Really Happened no tags new
- #163 QUEST:The Warden's Game no tags new
- #164 QUEST: The Sentinel's Pawn no tags new
- #165 NPC: Dr. Hieronymus Blam no tags new
- #166 QUEST: The Elder Crone no tags new
- #167 QUEST: To the Withering no tags new
- #168 QUEST: Bar Fight! no tags new
- #169 QUEST: We All Scream for Ice Cream... and then Die! no tags new
- #170 QUEST: Freezing the Pipes no tags new
- #171 QUEST: Circle the Wagons... er, Boats no tags new
- #173 QUEST: Sunken Treasure no tags new
- #175 QUEST: The Brave and the Bold no tags new
- #176 QUEST: The Ancient Brazier no tags new
- #177 QUEST: Together Again no tags new
- #178 NPC: Montarr <Lorekeeper> no tags new
- #179 QUEST: Stranglethorn Fever no tags new
- #180 QUEST: Turning the Brashtide no tags new
- #181 QUEST: Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me no tags new
- #183 QUEST: The Damsel's (Bad) Luck no tags new
- #185 QUEST: Kill-Collect no tags new
- #187 QUEST: Backdoor Dealings no tags new
- #188 QUEST: Let's See What You've Got, Zanzil no tags new
- #191 quest: I Think She's Hungry no tags new
- #193 QUEST: The Universal Key no tags new
- #195 QUEST: Favored Skull no tags new
- #196 NPC: Nemeth Hawkeye <Farstriders> no tags new
- #231 QUEST: Racmore's log no tags new
- #232 QUEST: Going Deep no tags new
- #233 QUEST: Deep Impact no tags new
- #234 QUEST: Calming the Kodo no tags new
- #235 NPC: Witch Doctor Jin'Zil no tags new
- #239 QUEST: I Got Your Parts Right Here... no tags new
- #240 QUEST: In Defense of Krom'gar Fortress no tags new
- #243 NPC: Captain Goggath no tags new
- #244 NPC: Marukai no tags new
- #247 QUEST: Freedom to Ruul no tags new
- #250 QUEST: The Essence of Aku'Mai no tags new
- #251 [Questy]Feelwod no tags new
- #252 [Questy]Desocale no tags new
- #254 [Questy]Tanaris no tags new
- #255 [Questy]Feralas no tags new
- #257 [NpC] Stonetalon Mountais-Horda no tags new
- #259 Q: Assault on the Rotbrain Encampment no tags new
- #260 Q: The Wakening no tags new
- #227 QUEST: Un-Chartered no tags new
- #228 QUEST: To The Master's Lair no tags new
- #229 QUEST: Early Adoption no tags new
- #197 [Quest] Remove Their Arms no tags new
- #201 [Quest] The Future of the Rockpool no tags new
- #203 [Quest] Blood Ritual no tags new
- #204 [Quest] The Amulet of Grol no tags new
- #205 [Quest] The Amulet of Sevine no tags new
- #206 [Quest] The Charred Granite of the Dark Portal no tags new
- #207 [Quest] The Vile Blood of Demons no tags new
- #208 [Quest] Enhancing the Stone no tags new
- #209 [Quest] Not Just Any Body no tags new
- #210 [Quest] The Altar of Storms no tags new
- #211 QUEST: They Grow Up So Fast no tags new
- #214 QUEST: Crystals of Power no tags new
- #215 QUEST: Bouquets of Death no tags new
- #217 QUEST: Gormashh the Glutinous no tags new
- #218 QUEST: Marshal's Refuse no tags new
- #219 QUEST: Show Your Work no tags new
- #220 NPC: Dr. Dealwell no tags new
- #221 QUEST: Tanaris is Calling no tags new
- #222 QUEST: Clamlette Surprise no tags new
- #223 QUEST: Scavengers Scavenged no tags new
- #224 QUEST: Blisterpaw Butchery no tags new
- #225 QUEST: Gargantapid no tags new
- #226 QUEST: Just Trying to Kill Some Bugs no tags new
- #230 NPC: Sorrem no tags new
- #262 WARRIOR: Blitz no tags new
- #263 WARRIOR: Taste for Blood no tags new
- #264 WARRIOR: Improved Hamstring no tags new
- #265 WARRIOR: Sudden Death no tags new
- #266 WARRIOR: Wrecking Crew no tags new
- #268 QUEST: To the Aid of the Thorium Brotherhood no tags new
- #269 QUEST: Out of Place no tags new
- #270 QUEST: Thorium Point: The Seat of the Brotherhood no tags new
- #272 QUEST:Scrapped Golems no tags new
- #273 QUEST: Golem Training no tags new
- #274 QUEST: A Perfect Costume no tags new
- #275 QUEST: Postponing the Inevitable no tags new
- #276 QUEST: Into the Woods no tags new
- #277 QUEST: Visitors no tags new
- #279 QUEST: Heroes of Darrowshire no tags new
- #280 QUEST: To Kill With Purpose i Dark Garb no tags new
- #281 QUEST: Little Pamela no tags new
- #282 QUEST: The Battle of Darrowshire no tags new
- #283 QUEST: Frederick's Fish Fancy no tags new
- #284 QUEST: Victory From Within no tags new
- #285 QUEST: Scarlet Salvage no tags new
- #286 QUEST: Like Rats no tags new
- #287 QUEST: Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee... no tags new
- #288 QUEST: Counter-Plague Research no tags new
- #289 QUEST: The Corpsebeasts no tags new
- #290 QUEST: Strange New Faces no tags new
- #292 QUEST: The Endless Flow no tags new
- #293 QUEST: Supporting the Troops no tags new
- #294 QUEST: Ashes to Ashes no tags new
- #295 QUEST: I Ain't Sayin' You a Gourd-Digger... no tags new
- #297 QUEST: Zen'Kiki, the Druid no tags new
- #298 QUEST: Zen'Kiki and the Cultists no tags new
- #299 QUEST: Can't Take It With Them no tags new
- #300 QUEST: In With a Bang no tags new
- #301 QUEST: To Marshtide Watch no tags new
- #302 QUEST: To Stonard no tags new
- #303 QUEST: Ruag's Report no tags new
- #304 QUEST: Pool of Tears no tags new
- #305 NPC: Dispatch Commander Ruag no tags new
- #315 NPC: STONE ?!?! no tags new
- #316 QUEST: Goggle Boggle no tags new
- #318 QUEST: Sunken Treasure no tags new
- #319 QUEST: Triage no tags new
- #320 QUEST: Stones of Binding no tags new
- #321 QUEST: To Legion Hold no tags new
- #322 QUEST: Setting Up the Bomb no tags new
- #323 QUEST: Blast the Infernals! no tags new
- #324 QUEST: The Summoning Chamber no tags new
- #326 QUEST: Invasion Point: Cataclysm no tags new
- #327 QUEST: Escape from Coilskar Cistern no tags new
- #328 QUEST: I Was A Lot Of Things... no tags new
- #330 QUEST: Return to the Scryers no tags new
- #331 QUEST: Kindness no tags new
- #333 QUEST: Zuluhed the Whacked no tags new
- #335 QUEST: Dissension Amongst the Ranks... no tags new
- #336 QUEST: Of Thistleheads and Eggs... no tags new
- #337 QUEST: Frankly, It Makes No Sense... no tags new
- #338 QUEST: Thwart the Dark Conclave no tags new
- #339 NPC: Mordenai no tags new
- #341 QUEST: Mission: The Abyssal Shelf no tags new
- #342 QUEST: Weaken the Ramparts no tags new
- #343 QUEST: The Big Bone Worm no tags new
- #344 QUEST: Brother Against Brother no tags new
- #345 QUEST: Welcoming the Wolf Spirit no tags new
- #346 DEATH KNIGHT: Blood Parasite no tags new
- #347 DEATH KNIGHT: Will of the Necropolis no tags new
- #348 DEATH KNIGHT: Improved Death Strike no tags new
- #349 DEATH KNIGHT: Dancing Rune Weapon no tags new
- #350 DEATH KNIGHT: Merciless Combat no tags new
Closed Tickets
✔ #334
QUEST: The Rod of Liantheno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #199
[Quest] The Downfall of Marl Wormthornno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #184
QUEST: A Giant's Feastno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #309
QUEST: Ongo'longo's Revengeno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #307
QUEST: Faces of Evilno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #311
QUEST: Stomp To My Beatno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #308
QUEST: All That Skittersno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #4
Protecting Our Ownno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #306
QUEST: The Eye of Shadrano tags ✓resolved -
✔ #5
Creating the Pendantno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #310
QUEST: Lard Lost His Lunchno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #312
QUEST: It's Ours Nowno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #313
NPC: Huntsman Markhorno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #314
QUEST: Clearing the Highlandsno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #20
WARRIOR: Impending Victoryno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #92
[Questy]Silithusno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #150
[ROGUE][ważne]Backstab dmg i nie tags ✓resolved -
✔ #159
QUEST: Survival of the Fattestno tags ✓hold -
✔ #172
QUEST: Quiet the Cannonsno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #186
QUEST: The Holy Water of Clarityno tags ✓resolved
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